Book Cover Design & Illustration

Upperthong is a village outside Huddersfield in North Yorkshire. When author John Simes and his agent got in touch asking if I could do the cover to his book, 'The Upperthong Thunderbolt', I just assumed he was from there. When I found out he was based in Devon I was surprised, but I shouldn't have […]
September 19, 2021

Upperthong is a village outside Huddersfield in North Yorkshire. When author John Simes and his agent got in touch asking if I could do the cover to his book, 'The Upperthong Thunderbolt', I just assumed he was from there.

When I found out he was based in Devon I was surprised, but I shouldn't have been. Authors who write science fiction don't live in outer space (I think).

As with most of my work, it was the humour angle that bagged me the gig. The Upperthong Thunderbolt is a collection of short stories, and the tale from the title has a lot of humour in it.

Since working on the cover, I've supplied some other sketches from his larger work A game of chess. You can find out more about John and the lovely picturesque part of the world he lives in here.


The creative design studio of John Cooper. 
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