Getting a new website

Liverpool Comedy Club has been in the entertainment industry for over 20 years. From their early days at the famously well-recognised Rawhide to the Comedy Cellar and Southport Comedy Festival, and now their new home at the Bentley. 

comedy club website
Liverpool Comedy Club website

Moving into a new venue for 2018, Brendan and Val opted for a new website as part of their re-branding campaign.  Style and ease of use were the two watchwords in the design process, it was also important to make the user experience distinctive from other competitors in the field.

Stand-up comedy and design have more things in common than you might think.  They are both creative and seek to solve a problem or tell a story in a way that is satisfying for the audience in mind. Most of all though it's communication and engagement. 

leveraging the most out the capabilities of WordPress, then communicating that with video tutorials to the Comedy Club team in a way that's easy to understand and lets them get with the job of adding content with a minimum of fuss.

Comedy Club Website:

  • New website design and build
  • Customised WordPress tutorials
  • Responsive design for tablet and mobile
  • SEO explained
  • Event Calendar app

Need a new website or Got a question? Get in touch here

Rocket Steps work with you to help you create a website you can be proud of, design ideas that gets attention and illustrations that are as unique as you are. Good design aids good business, providing you with the the confidence to present a public image with integrity and verve, and win new customers. It’s my passion to engage with good design across all media, whether setting up a website that can be easily updated, providing an illustration commission, animation or a cross-branded print campaign with online marketing and SEO. Rocket Steps is more than just the final product, it’s a personal design service.

Sometimes simple is beautiful, and that was the case when Manchester comedian and writer Tony Burgess was looking for a new website. The brief was straightforward, and he had a lot of content from his experience in the industry.

Getting Tony's new website looking right wasn't too dissimilar to the writing process, getting a lot ideas down on paper, then paring it down until we arrived at something he was really happy with. Citing classic movie credits for inspiration, we arrived at something that Tony really liked. From my designer's point of view, it's quite beautiful.  It's easy to understand why it would be a very unlikely initial design proposal,  and I had to pull some nifty tricks to make the final project work happily with SEO. Websites can do and be so many things, but in this case, pulling in the design to something tight and practical was key to making it work. Simple is beautiful and Tony's work speaks for itself. 

Helping you with Your Website

Rocket Steps Studio work with people in businesses of all sizes in all sectors. Providing you with websites you can be proud of, design ideas that gets attention and illustrations that are as unique as they are. Good design aids good business, providing the confidence to present a public image with integrity and verve, and also win new customers. It's my passion to engage people with good design across all media, whether setting up a website that can be easily updated, providing an illustration commission, animation or a cross-branded print campaign with online marketing and SEO. JCU is more than just the final product, it's a design service.

Website Design  | WordPress Training | SEO


The creative design studio of John Cooper. 
Empowering clients with engaging content since 2010.
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