New Client, The Luc Hoffmann Institute

web design Manchester

At the beginning of the year, I was referred to the environmental and conservation organisation The Luc Hoffmann Institute to help out behind the scenes with their website and social media requirements. It's a pretty straightforward job for me, but worth mentioning as looking over their website,  the work they do is very important for the environment and the planet.

I'd already been working on updating the site in its previous form which was showing a little bit of age and using a page builder. Page builders are good to get websites up and running quickly but are cumbersome on larger websites. This site had become slow and somewhat of a technical chore to update. That needed to change.

The Luc Hoffmann team were great to work alongside, very clear and thorough in what they needed. We reviewed the development of the site continuously as it evolved in line with its mission statement. In partnership with the World Wildlife Fund, they are "the world’s leading catalyst for innovation and transformative change to maintain biodiversity, the foundation for all life on Earth".


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